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Sunday School Team

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Women's 70+

Gayla Shuyler

This class meets in room 103. The women's Bible study is currently comprised of ladies in their 70's, but all ages are welcome.

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Mayrilyn Jones / Laura Gorham

This class meets in the Parlor. The women's Bible study is team taught by Laura Gorham and Marilyn Jones and is currently comprised of ladies who are retired, but all ages are welcome. 

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Harvestors Mixed Class

Frank Aaron

This is a coed bible study class that meets in room east fellowship hall. This group is comprised of people ages 60+.

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Harvestors Women's Class

Wathina Luthi

This class meets in room 113. This women's group is comprised of women 60+ but is open to women of all ages.

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2:2 Tim

Keith Graff

This class meets in room 202 and is made up of adults of a variety of ages, but mainly those in their 30's and 40's. We fellowship with one another, share both praises and prayer requests, as well as study scripture. 

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Students 7th-12th

Clay Stevens

This class meets in the Youth Room upstairs and is lead by Clay and Elle Stevens. They teach youth Sunday School in a large coed group and then break into gender specific small groups.

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3rd & 4th Grade

McKenzie St Clair

This class meets in room 209. It is a coed class that works to instill Godly values in our children's lives.

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Pre K & Kindergarten

Cathy Koppel / Skylar Jackson

This class meets in room 211. Learning about the bible in an exciting and encouraging atmosphere. Children are taught the love of Jesus and how they are fearfully and wonderfully made.

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Austin Hickman

This class meets in room 207. The GAP class is a vibrant and welcoming group within our church, designed specifically for young adults and parents navigating the joys and challenges of early to middle adulthood. Our members range from recent graduates and newlyweds to seasoned parents with school-age children. 


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Harvestors Men's Class

Paul McCord

Men's bible study class meets in room 115. This group of men is mostly retired but stay active in live and in the church. This group is open to all ages.

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Harvestors Mixed Class

Chuck Luthi

This is a coed bible study that meets in the west fellowship hall. This is a multigeneration group who enjoys Chuck's solid teach and farm wisdom.

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Kenneth Gage

This coed class meets in room 205. It is multigeneration with a strong heartbeat for missions.

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God's Children

Don Neill

This class meets in room  210. This class is designed for those with special needs. 


5th & 6th Grade

Bert Luthi

This class meets in the children's choir room. It is lead by Bert and Sally Luthi. It is committed to helping our 5th and 6th graders leveling up as they prepare for middle school and high school department.

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1st & 2nd Grade

David Henderson

This class meets in 211. David has a strong love for helping children understand God's word and come to know God's Son.


2's & 3's

Donya Scott

This class meets in room 213 room E. Donya is the team lead for nursery/toddlers. She loves our little ones and can't wait meet yours.

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